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Join Our Team

Miller Industrial Manufacturing is an equal opportunity employer and we welcome applications from qualified potential employees. We are proud to offer a comprehensive benefits package including: Competitive Salaries, 401(k) Match, Fully Paid Health Insurance, Vision and Dental, Insurance, Profit Sharing, Paid Vacation

Before you begin - this employment application will take approxamately 30 mins to one hour to complete. You will need your schooling information, job history, three profressional references, and more.

I certify that the statements made by me on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith. I understand that if I knowingly make any misstatement of fact, I am subject to disqualification and dismissal and to such other penalties as may be prescribed by law or personnel regulations. All statements made on this application, including employment information, are subject to verification, as a condition of employment.